TearKnitFX_V1.0 for Maya
TearKnit FX Tool is a Procedural Fiber-knit based TearingFX creation Tool for Autodesk Maya - works for Maya 2017 - 2020
Procedurally Create complex Fiber based thread-geo-setups over existing simple tear-cloth geos and RIP /TEAR them with a Click of a Button.. Giving complex dynamic-fiber-Detail & Realism output.Ideal for complex VFX Shots.
Key Features -
Procedurally Create complex Fiber based thread-geo-setups on edge of your existing tear-cloth meshe-caches, with many Art-directed controls with a click of a Button.
A unique approach to adding extra level of dynamic-fiber-Detail & Realism on top of your existing simple tearing cloth-pieces. Ideal for complex VFX Shots.
Super fast and easy to create & setup, allowing any non-technical artist to use it at ease, getting instant results for various creative iterations.
Uses a custom Non-dynamic/non-sim approach, so gives error free & super fast results without any pops or jitters.
Installation instructions Pdf can be found within the download package. Also please read the EULA included the package.